European Armies of the 12th to 15th Centuries
Crusades 1100-1400
Armies of the Frankish Crusaders, Armenians, Cumans, Syrians, Ayyubid and Mamluk Egyptians,...
Eastern European Late Medieval
Eastern European troops suitable for mixing with Hussite, German, Later Byzantine, Polish,...
Feudal and Early Medieval 1100-1420
A wide selection of armies from Western, Central, and Eastern Europe from...
Hungarian 1300-1450
Hungarian Armies from 1300-1450 who fought in Central Europe, the Balkans and...
Hussite, German, and Bohemian 1380-1471
Hussite Armies 1419 -1471AD and related German and Bohemian allies and enemies
Landsknechts were the most famous German mercenaries in the Holy Roman Empire...
Late Byzantine 1300-1480
Byzantine Armies from the Reconquest of Constantinople from the Latins until the...
Later Medieval and Early Renaissance 1400-1605
The Armies of Agincourt, the War of the Roses, the French Wars...
Polish and Lithuanian 1380-1700
Polish and Lithuanian armies of the 14th -17th Centuries including the forces...
Russian 1250-1500
Armies of Medieval Russia from the Early Russian state through the Post-Mongol...
Serbian Empire 1300-1500
Armies of the Serbian Empire in the 14th-16th Centuries
Rules and Tools
Ready to fight historical & fantasy battles on your tabletop? Triumph! puts...
Baggage, Equipment, Artillery, and War Machines
Artillery and Crews, Rockets, Stone Throwers, Carts, Wagons, Pack Animals, Praying and...
Laser Cut Bases for Mounting Armies and Camps
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